I sent out a number of holiday greeting cards based on a photo I'd taken of one of my sketches, and we got normal greeting cards, and online greeting cards and of course phone greetings. But my wife Jerene shows how to do holiday communication the old-fashioned way: with a nose-pat.
We like to take a short walk at the Wissahickon on all the major holidays. Yesterday we were greeted by a Brown Creeper, what seemed to be a dueling Red-Bellied Woodpecker and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and a very visible Red-tailed Hawk. But when we finished our walk we were greeted by these two horses.
Jerene couldn't resist saying hello to them. And I couldn't resist taking a photo. That photo served as the jumping off point for my newest watercolor pencil and waterbrush endeavor, this time using my new set of 36 Derwent watercolor pencils. It's a little too early to say much about them but they were good enough to get me started on this sketch. My thought is that I'll soon be very fond of them.
I love how you see shapes. Looking forward to your exploration of 36 colors! Santa was good!
I just received in the mail the latest catalog from the store at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, featuring a 50% off sale on all Christmas cards. I ordered two boxes (36 cards), half with religious themes, the other half secular subjects, from paintings in the Met collection. Maybe too late for this year's mailing, although I usually mail late.
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